Top 10 Tips to Increase Your Productivity

Top 10 Tips to Increase Your Productivity

What is productivity? Is it about consistently working?

The reality of productivity does not rely solely upon working but taking advantage of time. While we are busy bees typing away at our home offices and trying to make the most of unprecedented circumstances, it has become so easy to get distracted from the tasks at hand.

I get it, sometimes we lose our focus. In a time of endless working, I often find myself daydreaming rather than completing the endless paperwork at the foot of my desk. However, the truth is if we want to make the most of something, we have to take full advantage of every second!

Want more time to workout? Wish you could stop procrastinating over deadlines? Still trying to find time to start that business venture, organize your bedroom, or maybe write that book?

I got the answer in one word. Productivity. That’s why I am writing my top ten tips to overcome your procrastination and take charge of your day. These tips have helped me become more structured and effective in completing my work, and I hope they can help you too.

Let’s jump into these top 10 tips to increase your productivity, without putting in the extra hours: Here are top 10 tips to increase your productivity listed below:


1. Eliminate the unnecessary work:

Many times we have merely extreme activities or chores. It is good to take them into account to eliminate them and avoid wasting time. Perhaps, you have nearly 10-15 tasks you have to accomplish in a day. That’s unrealistic sometimes, and acknowledging this is the best step towards creating progress. You cannot finish everything in one day, so its best to tackle the beast of chores one step at a time, and eliminate the task that just simply will not fit into a day’s scheldule.

2. Take advantage of the time:

Are you a night owl? An early bird? Maybe an exhausted pigeon? Just kidding, but the most effective way to optimize your time is to understand the time of day you feel most energized and motivated. Moving harder and complicated tasks to the time of your most productive self can really make you feel accomplished, and give you greater incentive to tackle your to-do list.

3. Focus on your target:

Focusing on what you are doing is the best way to increase your productivity. To-do list is your friend, not your enemy. Having a clear direction for the day can stop time being spent meandering around looking for something to do, or worst avoiding the daunting tasks at hand.

4. Turn off distractions:

It is essential to turn off your phone before you get started, as notification sounds will distract your thoughts. Use your phone in break time only or when you are at home or free from work. Social media in the journey towards productivity is just a mere set back. Tok Tok, instagram, snapchat, and the rest are better far away from your workspace. Designate time for your daily social media or T.V. fix, it’s the best way to avoid endless hours wasting away with you staring at a screen.

 5. Take break:

Always take short breaks while you are working. You can either go for a walk or read a magazine or visit your friend. Just do those things in the break that are not related to your work. I normally, find 15 minute power naps, or a quick stretch can bring back that extra bolt of energy to power through; a sip of coffee helps too.


6. Always be on time:

If you want to be always on time, get up early and always do your tasks at proper timing before the deadline meets.

7. Get enough sleep:

Always sleep on time as an adult needs 6-7 hours of sleep. The best thing you can do for yourself is get a good night’s rest. If you need to be an early rise set your lastest bedtime to at the most 11 at night so you can get up early the next morning. Sleeping late can make it challenging for you to get up early, so make sure to get your zzz’s to perform your tasks on time.

8. Make a to-do list:

Always make a list of things that you have to do on a coming day. Make this list on the night before office. You will never forget any task if you have written it on the list. Write it down and organize all the goals and accomplishments you have for the day. It is such an easy way to organize your work left to be done.

9.  Set daily goals:

Sometimes it is easy to succumb to the day to day and lose focus and concentration. When you have a big goal in mind, it’s easy to procrastinate. By setting daily goals and aiming to reach certain milestones at the end of the day, it will be much easier to stay focused.

10. Divide tasks into smaller activities:

Start each day prioritizing activities, by writing and scheduling each one. By separating daily objectives  into simple and short tasks,  you’ll be able to reduce stress and reache your goals faster.


In today’s world, productivity can be a hard thing to achieve; however with these simple tips you’ll be on your way to a more efficient use of your time. The above are the top 10 tips to increase your productivity. What tips are you going to implement into your routine? Make sure to leave a comment below!



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