How to Fall in Love With Your Hometown During COVID-19

How to Fall in Love With Your Hometown During COVID-19

This past year has been a difficult one for everyone around the world as we not only struggle to stay safe from the virus but also not go crazy during lockdowns. You might even be feeling restless from isolation and despondent about your environment. If you have been itching for a vacation and new experiences, stay local and take advantage of all that your city has to offer you. Even if you want nothing more than to get on a plane and leave, you’ll easily find something new and enjoyable within your own city limits. Here are some ideas for you to fall back in love with your hometown during the coronavirus pandemic.

Go Exploring

Act like a tourist in your own town! When was the last time you actually went around and saw the sights? It’s a fun way to reconnect with your town, especially when you’ve been locked inside your house for months on end. Either visit the top attractions listed for your city or just wander around without a direction and see what you find. Just going for a walk can lead you to find some hidden gem or hole-in-the-wall that you didn’t even know existed. Get to know your town; you are bound to find something to fall in love with again.

Take A Class

Sometimes, you aren’t so bored or tired of your town as you are with your routine. If you feel like nothing ever happens or you don’t enjoy spending time in your city, why not try a new activity? Sign up for a class that you have always wanted to try! Whether it’s an archery or cooking class, you can find tons of different fun things to do. Make sure you choose an activity that can be COVID safe, though. Outdoor activities like sports or solo activities like ceramics are a great choice for social distancing.

Visit A Museum

The best way to fall in love with your hometown is to learn more about it! There is bound to be some sort of museum in your town, even if it’s small. Go enjoy a history lesson and learn all of the cool details about where you live. If you live in a bigger city, then take advantage of the art museums as well. Strolling through art galleries and exhibitions is a great way to feel fulfilled. They might even be preparing for an exhibition that interests you, which means you have something to look forward to. Some museums might be closed during lockdowns, so wait until they are open and go during less crowded times.

Community Events

Take part in your community events, such as plays or shows, farmer’s markets, or festivals. There are probably still events happening despite the pandemic, so see what is available to you. Farmer’s markets are a great option because they are held outside and can properly socially distance. You’ll be able to get to know local farmers and vendors, which will help you feel more connected to your town. It also helps to support small businesses and know exactly where your produce comes from!


The easiest way to fall back in love with your town is to work for it. Donate your time and energy to a cause that resonates with you—either volunteer at an animal shelter, food bank, blood drive, or homeless shelter. The options are endless, and they always need help. If you have been feeling that your life is too repetitive or lackluster, volunteer your time, and see how it changes your opinion of your location. You’ll get to know such amazing people and hear fascinating stories–you’ll never want to leave them again! These organizations need your help, especially during this pandemic. Millions of people have lost their jobs and are suffering; civil rights have been infringed; people are dying. It’s an incredibly fulfilling activity that will make you appreciate your town more.


Despite many stores and restaurants being closed and a strict social distancing enforced, there are still so many possible activities for you to partake in and enjoy. Get to know the ins and outs of your town, learn something new and exciting, get involved in your community, and volunteer your time to a worthy cause. You can still get to know people and feel a sense of belonging in your town even during a pandemic. These different activities will help you fall in love with your hometown again and connect with your community!


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